101 Frog Rock Road, Mudgee
Sold for $970,000
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You will find this outstanding lifestyle property in the picturesque Frog Rock locality just 19kms north of Mudgee. Featuring a neatly present family home, excellent shedding and a beautiful block, this property is perfectly set up for a family who wants to realise their dream of a home in the country.

- Well presented four-bedroom homestead - freshly painted and new flooring fitted through out.
- Spacious country style kitchen with modern appliances.
- Lovely north facing lounge room.
- Reverse-cycle air conditioning, wood fire heater and ceiling fans provide year round climate control.
- Large L-shaped verandah provides the ideal all-weather outdoor entertaining area.
- Serviced by mains and solar power; mobile reception and fixed wireless NBN.
- Fully fenced house yard studded with established shade trees and gardens.
- Two large zincalume sheds with power connected plus a studio with toilet and shower installed.
- Beautiful 10.12 hectare block with lovely shade trees and character filled granite outcrops.
- Ideally situated just 19kms north of town with tar road frontage.

For more information or to arrange your inspection, call Robbie Palmer on 0418 639 093.

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