Looking for some ideas to keep your kids entertained this Easter?
Why not give these activities a try!
Backyard Camping
For some, planning a camping trip with kids is a feat too great – there’s the endless snack supplies, favourite toys to remember, and first aid kit you’ll inevitably need. For an easy alternative, set up camp at your place. It’ll eliminate any packing-associated stress, and the band-aids, sunscreen, and comfy bed to retire to will all be on hand if you need them. You’ll still have all the excitement of getting out of the usual routine and can turn the hordes of excess Easter chocolate into some delicious s’mores.
Make Hot Cross Buns ... With a twist!
Task the kids with baking homemade hot cross buns, and crown yourself MasterChef judge for the day. It makes for an engaging, educational (and tasty) activity. It’ll bring out their competitive sides, and if they’re old enough, you can leave them to it – you’ll just need to make an appearance when judging is required.
Have a Clay Kinda Day
Arts and crafts are a staple school holiday activity, but for something a little different, get your kid’s hands dirty with some clay. Clay is easy and inexpensive to buy from an arts and crafts shop, it’s easy to use, and best of all, once they’ve finished shaping their Easter-inspired creations, painting them is an activity for another day!
Declutter with Purpose
A less common school holiday activity, especially around Easter time, is to give thanks, give back to others, and volunteer. Doing this teaches kids valuable lessons: being grateful for what they have and being kind to others. Encourage them to sort through their room for toys, games, clothing, or other items that can be donated, or to help you clear out the pantry of unopened items that a food bank will appreciate.
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